Tuesday, November 15, 2005

just not down with the juvenile slang

Ahh, the facebook. That added social facet of college life that no one really can explain. It just exists, connecting us all to each other, often without our knowledge, telling other people things about us of which we may or may not be aware.

Apparently, as I learned last night, the choice of “random play” under what you are “looking for” in your profile does not imply to people that you are interested in spontaneous water balloon fights or late night trips to waffle house or barefoot puddle jumping. Instead, my friend Mike politely informed me that it carries the connotation of casual hooking-up “of the sexual variety.” Personally, the idea of jumping barefoot in puddles sounds a lot more random and playful to me than getting naked with someone you barely know, which to me sounds fairly awkward. My poor, naïve mind. Mike suggested that I must just not be down with the juvenile slang. Sadly, this appears to be the case.

I have removed “random play” reluctantly from my profile. But I still like water balloon fights.

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