Tuesday, November 01, 2005

fire tree

A couple days ago, I met with my academic adviser, who is also my choir director, Mr. Hiester. He has an office that is in the music building which overlooks a very nice courtyard-ish type area with several gorgeous trees. One of the trees in particular had exploded into a fantastic fiery orange. “I'll be honest,” he said to me. “Some mornings I come in to work, and I just stop at the window in the hallway there and stare at that tree with awe.”

It sounded like a scene from a film. I love hearing that other people get the wind knocked out of them from the shock of such beauty. I love learning of other people having quiet moments of deep appreciation for things around us that could so easily be overlooked and taken for granted.

Above is a picture of the same tree, only I took this photo about a week before it turned orange.

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