Wednesday, March 15, 2006

spring break: day six

Well, it didn't turn out to be the weather that delayed us, but business logistics (that's code for “Adam's co-workers are big fat poopy-heads”). So, even though we were supposed to be flying to Florida today, it looks like it won't be until either tomorrow or possibly even Friday. I'm handling my disappointment well, though. It helps me to give Adam frequent reminders that I am the best girlfriend ever for being so understanding and patient about the delay of a trip I've been exploding with excitement about.

Here are a few of the things I've done today instead of flying to Florida:

1. drove to the municipal office to drop of Adam's grant proposal for the conference he's in charge of. Took Lucy with me, just to get her out of the house.

2. wavered between laughing and crying at the fact that it snowed last night. Laughing because I'm going to be leaving the snow for florida. Crying because I didn't leave today.

3. took Lucy for a walk around a park that we'd never been to before. They had a cool looking skateboarding-thingy. I don't know what you'd call it, like a big paved area with ramps and curves. It made me wish I could skateboard.

4. had a bowl of cereal back at home.

5. watched an episode of Judging Amy. That's right. I watched television. *gasp* ok, I actually watched two episodes of Judging Amy. I'm on spring break. I can indulge a little.

6. had my favorite kind of salad: field greens with dried cranberries and butter toffee glazed sliced almonds in red wine vinaigrette dressing. mmm...

7. picked out my outfits for each day of the trip, and put in a load of laundry.

Next on my list is to take a shower, have a cup of coffee and some of the yummy blueberry bread Adam made yesterday (do I have the best boyfriend in the world or what?) and catch up on some reading. This vacation thing isn't so bad.

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