Monday, October 24, 2005

rainy monday

I am feeling much more inspired than I have felt in a while. It isn't uncommon for me to find myself feeling this way at this time of year, in the last minute rush to appreciate the fact that it doesn't yet feel like February, while the surrounding Ohio world still has some color in it. But I feel like I'm seizing the opportunity a little more than I have the past couple years. Every outlet for my creativity is being utilized somehow. I'm taking pictures, I'm writing prose and poetry and music, I'm reading and thinking and discussing-- such fabulous discussions I've been having with friends over the past month or two. Life is just so intriguing right now.

My Mondays are almost always insane. I have five classes in one day, going straight through 10:00am-1:00pm, then an hour break, then class again at 2pm, then an afternoon break to do homework (or avoid doing homework by writing for this blog), with another class at 7pm, which goes until 9:00pm.

Last night, I avoided doing my music theory homework and decided to sleep instead, knowing full well I wouldn't have time to finish it by 2:00 today. Miraculously, though, two things happened this morning. First, my 10:00 class was cancelled. Next, I sat down with my newly discovered free hour to complete the music theory homework I thought I had, only to find I didn't have any homework assigned! Instead we had a test, which was ok because I was ready for it.

Despite the fact that it is getting progressively colder throughout the day, I'm finding myself very cozy and happy. I'm in my room now, drinking a warm cup of coffee, eating chocolate chip cookies, listening to good music. I love this room. I just moved in last weekend. Biz dropped by yesterday to see it for the first time, and her mouth literally dropped open when she walked in. It's nice to feel like I finally have a home that's comfortable, even if they still kick me out for Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations!

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