Thursday, March 23, 2006


What a fabulous trip it was. I had to pounce right back into regular life immediately afterward so I haven't had much time to catch up on writing, but I am working on starting a flickr account to post my many photos from the trip. It was just a three day trip, when I had originally hoped it would be five. But I lived it up for those three days. Best. Spring Break. Ever.

It's that time of the semester when I have to figure out what classes I'll be registering for next semester. I always find it so exciting. I know I sound like such a nerd, but I love school, learning new things every day, switching to a completely new schedule and new topics every semester.

My mother, who has been an unhappy person for as long as I can remember, is always attributing the passion I have for my life to youth, thus, she is convinced it is out of her reach. Which is funny because the people I'm in school with can't even believe how old I am (26 is, after all, closer to 30 than 20), yet I'm far more passionate about what I'm doing than many of them. I have to believe it's all relative. I have professors and friends in their 50s who are more energetic and alive than my mom probably was in her 20s. This is helpful for me to keep in mind when those negative ideas about aging that were planted in my brain during childhood creep up on me. Youth isn't about age, it's about digging in. It's about savoring moments. Like when you have just 20 minutes to spend at the beach. If you breathe deeply and take it all in, those 20 minutes last as long as a full day.

I have no idea where this quote is from, but it's one of my favorites of all time:

“It is ordinary to love the marvelous, but marvelous to love the ordinary.”

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